Northwood Gymnastics

Invitational Groups

How to Join our Invitation Group

At the moment. we are not running trials for our invite group

To join our invitation groups - You must be enrolled in one of our recreational classes.

A lead coach will assess a child when in their session.

To request an assessment - please email the

If you are not a member - To join a class - please click here



6th April 2025

Gymnastics Stars Open hosted by Northwood and Watford Gymnastics was held on Sunday 15th October 2023

To see some of our gymnasts follow our facebook page

Click here. to see more photos and Videos of the day - In October 2023

Development Group

Development groups are by invitation only

Ages 5-8 Years old

Sessions are held  at Northwood Gymnastics at St Helen's, Northwood and Northwood School Venue.

* Development squad gymnasts are expected to attend a minimum of 1.5 hours per week. This is a minimum of one Development session. Most attend two sessions per week. 

* New Development Gymnasts, this can also be one development and one recreational class. -

* All Development Gymnasts are expected to compete in the Northwood Gymnastics local clubs competitions.

* Development gymnasts are 5 -8 years old.

* We prefer advanced female gymnasts to wear a leotard when training.

* Development gymnasts are expected to train over the long summer period. 4 summer training are included in  fees. Gymnasts are welcome to train more.  These sessions run at Northwood School  (Wednesday)  over the summer.

* All hair must be tied back and all jewellery must be removed when training. in-line with British Gymnastics Jewellery Policy.

* Long nails, especially false are not permitted when training.

TERMLY REVIEW TO BE IN DEVELOPMENT : Please note that throughout the term our coaches are always assessing Gymnast's ability and attitude to training.  If at the end of a term your coach feels that the Development group is not appropriate for the Gymnast. The Gymnast will be invited to attend another more appropriate class to suit the Gymnasts needs.

Development training times

STH - St Helens Venue

NS - Northwood School Venue

Advanced Group


Groups by invitation only

Train 1.5 hours per week

Ages 8 plus Years old

Sessions are held at St Helen's Venue.

This group is for gymnasts who are ready to work on more advance skills and can only commit to one session per week.

* All invite Gymnasts are invited to compete in the Northwood Gymnastics local clubs competitions.

* We expect all invite female gymnasts to wear a leotard when training. When training - this can be worn under their t-shirt.

 * 1.5 hour gymnasts are expected to train over the long summer period. 4 summer training sessions are included in fees. Gymnasts are welcome to train more. These sessions run at Northwood School Venue (Tuesday and Thursday)  over the summer.

* All invite Gymnasts must wear the correct competition clothing when competing. See Below

* All hair must be tied back and all jewellery must be removed when training. in-line with British Gymnastics Jewellery Policy.

* Long nails, especially false are not permitted when training.

* Invite group gymnast’s are invited to attend the Invite Holiday Club at the St Helen’s Venue in order to train with gymnasts.

TERMLY REVIEW TO BE IN THE INVITATIONAL GROUP - Please note that throughout the term our coaches are always assessing Gymnast's ability and attitude to training.  If at the end of a term your coach feels that the invite group is not appropriate for the Gymnast. The Gymnast will be invited to attend another more appropriate class to suit the Gymnasts needs

INVITATIONAL  training times

Advanced Plus and Squad Group

3 hrs - 4.5 hours - INVITATIONAL GROUP

Groups by invitation only

Train 3 hours  - 4.5 hours per week

Ages 8 plus Years old

Sessions are held at St Helen's Venue.

*This group is for gymnasts who are ready to work on more more advance skills and can commit to two or more sessions per week.

* Squad gymnasts must be at least 8 years old.

* 3 hrs and 4.5 hr gymnasts are expected to train over the long summer period. Squad x 6 summer training sessions are included in  fees. Gymnasts are welcome to train more.  These sessions run at Northwood School Venue (Tuesday and Thursday)  over the summer.

* All Invite Gymnasts are invited and encouraged to compete in the Northwood Gymnastics local clubs competition

* All Invite FEMALE Gymnasts MUST wear a leotard when training. This does not have to be the competition leotard. 

* All Invite MALE Gymnasts MUST wear the black red SQUAD t-shirt when competing.

* All Invite Gymnasts must wear the correct competition clothing when competing

- more information below

* All hair must be tied back and all jewellery must be removed when training. in-line with British Gymnastics Jewellery Policy.

* Long nails, especially false are not permitted when training.

TERMLY REVIEW TO BE IN THE INVITATIONAL GROUP - Please note that throughout the term our coaches are always assessing Gymnast's ability and attitude to training.  If at the end of a term your coach feels that the invite group is not appropriate for the Gymnast. The Gymnast will be invited to attend another more appropriate class to suit the Gymnasts needs

INVITATIONAL  training times

Invite Group Payment - Information and Terms and Conditions

Please also see our main terms and conditions for the following


CLUB RULES all Gymnasts and Parents are expected to follow club rules. 









We kindly ask that gymnasts do not wear long false nails or keep long nails when training.

This is for their own safety.Wearing false acrylic nails or long nails can cause serious injury to both the gymnast and the coach supporting them


Gymnasts must wear clothing appropriate for the gymnastics activities. Female gymnasts should not wear crop tops whilst training.

We expect all female gymnasts to wear a training leotard - this may be worn under a t-shirt when training.

All female Invite gymnasts are expected to wear the club leotard and gymnastic shorts (no cycling or logo shorts) when competing.

All male Invite gymnasts are expected to wear the club tshirt and black shorts

Both can be purchased from our Northwood Venue

No Jewellery

We have a no jewellery policy for the safety of our gymnasts.

We have the right to ask a child not to participate in gymnastics if they cannot remove their jewellery

Click here to view the British Gymnastics policy which we follow.


All invite gymnasts must be invited to a trial by a coach and sent a booking via the office.

After the trial the coaches will inform the office if you are ready to join the group.

The coach may also ask you to email the office to confirm you are happy to join.

If you cannot attend a trial - please email before your trial date.

Any missed trials are non-refundable.


Invite gymnasts are invited to join via our version 2 platform.

After your trial - if successful - you will be sent an invite from the office via loveadmin version.

Once you get your invite - please login to set up your account.

First time logging in  - You will need to set up password - there will be a link in your invite email.

You will be sent an invoice.

Invite groups pay monthly for the sessions that are running.

We kindly ask you to set up your mandate for your classes. VIA PAYMENT - MANDATE

You can cancel your mandate at any time, so we also send a one session holding fee - per session you are attending. This is the price of the session.

If you decide to cancel - please email us to notify us.

Invoices are sent the 3rd of the month.

So depending on when you cancel - this will be the number of sessions you have left that month and one session paid by your holding fee.

If you notify after payment has been processed we do not refund.

All notifications are via email to uk

Please note - we do our best to ensure all payments are correct, but we please ask you to check your payment each month and email us if you are unsure of the amount taken for that month.  It is your responsibility to check all payments - thank you.


I consent to my son/daughter taking part in gymnastics activities at Northwood Gymnastics, Northwood School Venue and St Helen's Venue. He/she have no undisclosed medical conditions that might endanger him/her self or others. I will inform the Head Coach on arrival of any change to the given medical information. I authorise Northwood Gymnastics to approve emergency medical treatment should the need arise.

My son/daughter/I will follow the directions of Northwood Gymnastics Staff at all times and demonstrate a high regard for safety and behaviour. I understand that Northwood Gymnastics may exclude any person acting against its interests.

Parents and guardians of students attending classes are required to acknowledge their acceptance of the terms and conditions. By checking the box on the online registration form when re-enrolling for each term you are taking the responsibility for each student.

By setting up automated payments you are in acceptance of the terms and conditions of Northwood Gymnastics.

Northwood Gymnastics reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time providing half a terms notice is given to students.

If you have any questions about our terms and conditions - please email uk

Thank you


Competition leotards must be worn at all competitions

To purchase your leotard please visit our Northwood School Venue

NG shorts are optional

But if choosing to wear shorts - these must be black gymnastics shorts.

No logos.

No cycling shorts

Thank you

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